Ganga Thapa
Faculty MemberGanga Thapa is major in Finance with 8 years of experience. Academic Qualification: MBS, TU

Indra Chaudhary
Faculty Member16 years of teaching experience including 7 years in under graduation level specifically (B.Sc. CSIT,…

Jay Narayan Jha
Faculty MemberJay Narayan Jha is the faculty member of CAB.His major is in Mathematics with 14…

Monita Basnet
Faculty MemberMonita Basnet is the faculty member of CAB. Her major is in English with 10…

Prof. Rashindra P. Yadav
Faculty MemberProf. Rashindra P. Yadav is Faculty Member of CAB.His major is in Statistics with 31…

Ramesh Man Singh
Faculty MemberRamesh Man Singh is the Faculty Member of CAB.His major is in Management with 19…

Ramesh Pandey
PrincipalRetired from Shanker Dev Campus after nearly forty years of creditable service as Associate Professor.…

Renuka Timilsena
Faculty MemberRenuka Timalsina is the faculty member of CAB. Her major is in Management with 3…

Santosh Sharma
Faculty Member, Coordinator (Information Technology)14 years of teaching experience including 8 years in under graduation level specifically(B. Sc. CSIT,…

Unnati Tuladhar
Faculty MemberUnnati Tuladhar is the faculty member of CAB.Her major is in Marketing with 15 years…